'CP/FairyLand'에 해당되는 글 232건

  1. 2016.12.03 FeePle60 Cygne - Vampire Head
  2. 2016.12.03 16/17 Winter Event
  3. 2016.11.29 New Feeple60 - Cygne
  4. 2016.09.09 Fairy Line Bunny Parts
  5. 2016.09.02 A-line (Renewal) New Release Event
  6. 2016.09.01 A line & A line renewal body
  7. 2016.08.27 Ria - Coming Soon (Minifee A-Line Renewal )
  8. 2016.06.15 2016 Fantasy Art Line Release Event
  9. 2016.06.14 Skin colors of Fantasy Art Line
  10. 2016.06.14 Tail Connector

FeePle60 Cygne - Vampire Head

Feeple60 2016. 12. 3. 13:39


16/17 Winter Event

카테고리 없음 2016. 12. 3. 13:38

a. $190 or above: 2017 Calendar

b. $400 or above: LittleFee Faceplate

c. $600 or above: MiniFee Head

d. $800 or above: Feeple60 Head

e. $1,500 or above: ALL items from a~d (one of each)


New Feeple60 - Cygne

Feeple60 2016. 11. 29. 16:35
Feeple60 - Cygne (preview)

This works of Cygne, it's one of Lacrima series of Sylphe du Sud (Minami) in Fairy's Atelier.
MiniFee Liria head has been tranformed to Feeple 60
with her own name Cygne.
We hope your interest to this new doll.^^

Sculptor : G.O(Il Hyung, Cho)
Face Sculptor : Hae
Painter : Ko KangYong
Assistant. : Seung Hyuen, Song , Forin Flow
Director&Photo : Kim SunHwa
Concept Design & Costume : Sunny Day, Sylphe du Sud (Minami)
Video Shooting : Abel Choryeon , Val jim
Video Editing : Abel Choryeon
Music : Val Jim
Creative Producer : Kim SunHwa
Produced by CP Media
©2016 CP/Fairyland


Fairy Line Bunny Parts

카테고리 없음 2016. 9. 9. 17:01




Beautiful White+Painting

Beautiful White+Painting (Back)




Beautiful White+Painting

Beautiful White+Painting (Tail)


A-line (Renewal) New Release Event

카테고리 없음 2016. 9. 2. 13:43

a. $300 or above: pukiFee Faceplate

b. $500 or above: MiniFee Head 

c. $800 or above AND for orders NOT containing Ria Full Package: 

Ria Wings (Clear Smoke only)*


A line & A line renewal body

MineFee 2016. 9. 1. 19:06


Ria - Coming Soon (Minifee A-Line Renewal )

MineFee 2016. 8. 27. 15:36


2016 Fantasy Art Line Release Event

카테고리 없음 2016. 6. 15. 18:37

a. $400 or above: RealFee Faceplate (RealFee Sira)(NS or BW)

b. $800 or above: Shield (Beautiful White only)

c. $1,100 or above: ALL items from a~b (one of each)


Skin colors of Fantasy Art Line

카테고리 없음 2016. 6. 14. 15:28


Tail Connector

카테고리 없음 2016. 6. 14. 15:14
