2014 Summer Juri Event Information [Elf heads are ADDED]
Feeple60 2014. 7. 23. 14:36
1. Customers are eligible to receive following gifts for orders priced;
a. $350 or above: PukiFee Juri face
b. $450 or above: LittleFee Juri face
c. $600 or above: Wings (Compatible with LittleFee and MiniFee)
d. $600 or above: MiniFee Juri head (Soony Elf)
e. $800 or above: FeePle60 Juri head (Soony Elf)
f. $1,000 or above: TWO items from a~e
g. $1,700 or above: ALL items from a~e
h. Gift for All FeePle60 Moe(Full Package or Moe60 Body) orderer
- High heeled feet & High heeled resin shoes(Black Color)
- Eligible price shown above EXCLUDES shipping fee.
- One order is eligible for one event gift of designated price or lower.
- Chosen event gift must be included together in the order cart to receive it.
- Order containing a wrong event gift will be cancelled by the administrator and refunded if payment has already been made.
- Changes in event gift types or skin tone is not possible after the order is placed.
- Existing orders (at item processing stage) can also participate in the event if;
* the order is not participating in other previously released event.
* new order containing event gift of eligible price needs to be placed, with request for combined shipping with existing order.
* addition of event gift will affect the processing time and shipping may be delayed slightly as a result of it.
2. Event Promotion Price
- Special launch sale price of 5% discount on FeePle60 Moe Line products;
Moe Basic: $498 (from original price of $525)
Rin, Celine Full Package: $823 (from original price of $867)
Total of 300 FeePle60 Moe Body products - 164 Moe Basic and 136 Full Packages (Rin and Celine combined) will be available.
There are 5 heads (Rin, Celine, Miyu, Chloe, Mirwen) are available to choose for FeePle60 Moe Basic.
* Please note: Moe Line products are available in limited numbers to minimize processing delay.
3. Event promotion for FeePle60 Moe products
- DOUBLE FairyLand points for all FeePle60 Moe body products ordered during the course of the event (adjusted automatically).
- FREE SHIPPING for all orders containing FeePle60 Moe products (both Basic and Full Packages), including EMS premium shipping zone orders.
- FREE matching blank sleeping head for FeePle60 Moe Full Package products.
ie. Blank Celine Sleeping head will be provided at no extra cost for Celine Full Package, and vice versa. Makeup for sleeping head can be added at extra cost if desired.
- FREE Rin Elf Head (open eyes) OR Celine Elf Head (open eyes) for orders containing BOTH Rin and Celine Full Packages (randomly selected).
- FREE Rin Elf Head (open eyes) AND Celine Elf Head (open eyes) for orders with total of $2,000 or higher AND containing BOTH Rin and Celine Full Packages.
- FREE High heeled feet (in matching skin tone of ordered Feeple60 Moe line) AND High heels (Black) for each Feeple60 Moe Line doll purchase.
*Please note : High heeled feet and high heels (red) will be available for sale separately.
FeePle60 Moe Body products will be available during 2014 Summer Event. Future release schedule is not planned at this stage. Price will change to back original if re-released again in the future.